My life of Grace

The mess I found myself in at 18 years old would be considered most teenage girls worst nightmare. I had spent an unbelievable amount of time doing everything my parents taught against. Drinking, mild drugs, sleeping around. Satan had a strong hold on me. The Lord let that sin hit home. I got pregnant. That was okay though, I had it all figured out. I wasn't going to tell a soul and I would have an abortion. Easy, right? Besides, a baby is a huge inconvenience. How would I keep living my selfish, sin filled life with a baby?

I already had an appointment for an abortion. One night talking to my cousin I told her I was pregnant. I told her how I had it all figured out and I would just get an abortion - what’s the big deal anyway? I did not anticipate the reaction I got. She begged me not to have one, told me I would regret it for the rest of my life. After chatting for a long time she convinced me to at least tell Derik I was pregnant. Well I told him....

So we did what any young couple would do! We got married. Oh wait, what's that you say? People don't do that anymore? Anywho - We were criticized by several friends. Mainly I was - that's one of the few prices you pay when you're pregnant and marrying someone you've only known for a few short weeks. Wow, we were so lucky our parents love us enough to stand by us.

Shorty after the wedding we started going to church - Oklahoma City Campus. The Lord had broken me so much that year & I needed him so bad. It was like I was living in a foreign country. I had moved away from all my friends and family after we got married. I leaned so much on rebuilding my relationship with Christ. The Lord and my husband were literally all I had. Things progressed from there..... Derik and myself were both baptized in the church we call our home. We are involved through serving, being in a small group, and going on missions. I am currently on staff at - Edmond Campus, while my husband Derik works in security and fire alarm sells and is a weather enthusiast. You can check out his website here . These are definitely the good ol' days. Gods un-ending grace saved me. He never gave up on me, after all that time. He let me fall to my knees in pain, and I came home where he loved, accepted me, and worked it all for good and his glory.

He’s always waiting for you. Come home.