

7 months, really? First, I must apologize that I started this blog and never ONCE updated in 7 months. Hopefully admitting that I have a problem will be the kick in the butt I needed to get this going again.

Thanks for coming back.

My life has been a whirlwind since May. My little family is not so "little" anymore. We now have a 5 & 2 year old girl & a 1 year old boy. Yes, a 1 year old. We are so blessed to be fostering the most precious little boy you will ever meet! (Do I sound biased?) We will call him L for his privacy and protection in this big bad internet world.

A quick rundown of things that have happened since May. (which I may elaborate on in future blog posts)

June: Decided we would be moving, played outside a lot.
July: Looked for houses, and looked some more. Celebrated my 24th birthday.
August: Closed on a house and actually MOVED! (More info & pics to come)
September: Discovered a passion for mentoring young women. Made a dear friend, Jamie.
October: Jasmyn turned 5! Started weight watchers
November: Lost about 22 pounds & ate a lot of food at thanksgiving.
December: Got a foster babe, caught 8 beavers in our pond-65 pounds being the largest (no, I am not kidding), went to the big 12 championship game, my grandpa passed away, Christmas, and more eating.

Now 2011 is a few days away.

Check out http://www.mommareads.com/?cat=46 where I am a guest blogger through March!

See you soon. I will be back this time, I promise.