
That was the day it all began. I was on an adrenaline high - mainly because I was throwing a party for 140 of my closest friends and family to watch me dress up in a big white gown, eat good food, and dance. 18 years old and I was getting married. While friends were spending weekends at home with parents who still took care of them. I was cleaning house and preparing for a baby. I had no idea what was headed my way or how God would work in our lives. Click here to read my story of Gods grace.

Jasmyn Paris - 6lbs 9oz
Perfect, pink, squeaky, sucking, gooey, crying, tiny, kind of gross at first baby girl was born. I had never known a love like that. She was so fun. I spent the first 1 1/2 years trying to figure it all out, only to find out that I would NEVER figure it "all out" She is now a goofy 4 year old who will be starting pre-k soon. She loves her sister, drawing, and swimming. We cannot wait to see what the Lord will do in her life. I can't even imagine what my life would be like today if I would have made that one selfish decision when I was pregnant.

Caroline Diana - 6lbs 12 oz
This time around it was scary. I had a lot of complications during my pregnancy. After some mis diagnosis multiple blood clots were found in my lungs when I was about 6 months along. I was lucky to even be alive. Shots twice a day and several months later I gave birth to her. She was carted off to NICU with some lung problems where she spent a week. I had no idea what joy Caroline would bring to our lives! She just turned two and is my "lovie baby" She loves her sister, elmo, and ice cream! She is a doll. We thank the Lord daily for protecting our lives during that pregnancy. He is good.

We live on farm land in Guthrie Oklahoma. I spend a lot of time playing, working in ministry, running kids around, & creating things. Sometimes they turn out pretty - sometimes they dont! I hope you'll follow along.